I usually use the lubridate package for date manipulation, however, there's one item in that package that I haven't really gotten the hold of, which is making an array of dates.
I usually have a situation where I'm missing data, such as with sales data. If a sale didn't take place on a certain day, then that date value won't show up. I want that date to have a value of zero.
I can make a sequence of dates with the following (base-R) command:
date_sequence = seq(as.Date("2018/01/01"), as.Date("2018/12/31"), "days")
You can then put this in a data.frame
which is easy to use with dplyr
all_dates = data.frame(date_sequence=date_sequence)
full_dataset = all_dates %>%
full_dataset[is.na(full_dataset$product_sales), 'product_sales'] <- 0
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